1/8th Scale Tsubasa Hanekawa

Time to find out who guessed correctly…! I’m sure many of you knew exactly who it was… she was even displayed during WonFes! (`・ω・´)ゞ The 4th figure in the 1/8th scale Bakemonogatari series: 、 Tsubasa Hanekawa! The previous figures from the series include Hitagi Senjougahara, Nadeko Sengoku and Suruga Kanbaru. Now the ‘girl enchanted by…

Can You Guess Which Figure I’ll Be Reviewing Tomorrow?



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She wears glasses!
But that’s all for today…
I hope you’ll come back tomorrow to find the answer!! (・∀・)ノ゛

DIY Figure Repairs Part 3: Scuffed Paint

Hi everyone. This is the third in a series of articles on repairing figures. The previous two blogs I did on the topic featured repairing joints, and reinforcing joints using glue – you can find them over here:  DIY Figure Repairs Part 1: Broken Joints DIY Figure Repairs Part 2: Reinforcing Joints Today I’m going to…

Nendoroid Nemu Asakura

Koyamada has been keeping figures aside for me!      / ̄ ̄\    / .ー  ー \    | (●) (●) |  ← Koyamada    |  (_人_) |    |   `i  i´  |   ”I thought you’d want to use them    |   . `⌒   }         for your blog”    ヽ       }     ヽ     ノ    /      ヽ  He always keeps some aside for me like this! How can I ever repay you,…

1/8th Scale Nessa

Yet another new figure to play with!  (・∀・)ノ The label on the box reads ‘handle with care’… They just have to add to the pressure… But I shall not be stopped! I need to play with her!! 1/8th Scale Nessa! Nessa is a character from the fantasy adventure anime, Fractale directed by the famous Yutaka…

Nendoroid Strength

Hi everyone. Good Smile is doing there utmost to keep releases and announcements up to date, but things like transportation problems may get in the way, so bear with us if some things get delayed! Of course, I’m trying to keep the blog up to date too! In the hopes that I can bring a…

DIY Figure Repairs Part 2: Reinforcing Joints

Hi again everyone! The previous blog in this series featured a quick tutorial on fixing joints, but it doesn’t end there – today we’re going to be looking at reinforcing joints by making use of glue.  You can find part 1 over here: DIY Figure Repairs Part 1: Broken Joints   – Reinforcing Joints – If…

DIY Figure Repairs Part 1: Broken Joints

Hi everyone! I’ve received a multitude of messages from people showing the destruction caused to their figures, as well as a couple of people asking if there are any good ways to repair them, so today I’m going to start a new series of blogs discussing the repair of your figures in the case they…

1/8th Scale Nadeko Sengoku (Part 2)

Today I’ll be continuing my review of the cute Nadeko! The second figure in the Bakemonogatori series: 1/8th Scale Nadeko Sengoku!   As I mentioned yesterday, the pose above is based on the jacket cover of the 4th volume Blu-ray & DVD box for series. Here is part one if you missed it: 1/8th Scale…