Good Smile’s 10 Year Appreciation Project: Rerelease and Product Request Results!

Good Smile’s 10 Year Appreciation Project: The Rerelease and Product Request Polls! A big thanks to everyone who voted between the 10th April and the 1st May!             / ⌒`”⌒`ヽ、                   /,, / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\     ”We had lots of comments congradulating us!           /,//::         \     Thanks to…

Anime Contents Expo

       / ̄ ̄ ̄\      / ─    ─  \   ”The Jouban line isn’t running… that’s not good….”     /  <○>  <○>  \     |   (__人__) し |       \    ` ⌒´    /      /  し          \ ← Saturday The strong winds on Saturday were causing havoc with the public transport, I hope everyone who visited the event didn’t have too much…

Tokyo International Anime Fair 2012

        ____        / ⌒  ⌒\       / (⌒)  (⌒) \   ”Meet at the Makuhari Messe tomorrow!”     / ///(__人__)/// \         |   u   `Y⌒y’´   |          \       ゙ー ′   ,/       /⌒ヽ   ー‐    ィヽ       / rー’ゝ       〆ヽ     /,ノヾ ,>      ヾ_ノ,| All the staff at GSC were confusing everyone else as to where the…

Project mirai cafe & Miku Live Party 2012

       ____  / ) ) )/ \  /\    {   ⊂)(●)  (●) \   ”Normally I’m a stay-at-home kinda person…  |   / ///(__人__)/// \    but today is gonna be different!”  !   !    `Y⌒y’´    |  |   l      ゙ー ′   ,/  |   ヽ   ー‐    ィ  |           /  |  |          〆ヽ/ The Akiba Good Smile Tetsujin Cafe! It was the morning of…

9 Days Until WonFes! A Closer Look at the WonFes Events!

         ____       /:::─三三─\     /::: ( ○)三(○)\  ”The offices are in a shambles!”      |:::::(__人__):: |      \:::: |r┬-|   ,/     ノ:::::  `ー’´  \ Just 9 days away from WonFes!! We’re finally into the single digits! Just nine more sleeps until Wonder Festival! The offices are currently filled with cardboard boxes and products for display! This is always…