1/8th Scale Miku Hatsune: Lat-type Ver.

My Melarus Slippers… Have found a new figure!! (゚∀゚)ノ It’s the Lat-type Miku-san we saw last week in Sapporo! She came home to the GSC offices… although I couldn’t find her for ages… for some reason she was on the 6th floor where all the sculpting takes place… at least I found her! Good slippers!…

Nendoroid Miku Hatsune: Absolute HMO Edition

The next few days are full of Nendoroid releases! Nendoroid Kurisu Makise Nendoroid Ui Hirasawa Nendoroid Flandre Scarlet And finally, the Nendo we’ll take a look at today – Nendoroid Miku Hatsune: Absolute HMO Edition! A fully posable Nendoroid! She’ll be in stores on the 31st January! This is how the packaging looks!        / ̄ ̄ ̄\…

Nendoroid Snow Miku: Snow Playtime Edition

16 days to the Wonder Festival! Yesterday I went over the first of the WonFes products, Nendoroid Mato & Yomi Set! Today I’m going to be looking at the second! Nendoroid Snow Miku: Snow Playtime Edition!          ____       /::::::─三三─\     /:::::::: ( ○)三(○)\   ”The box is huge!”   |::::::::::::::(__人__):::|      \:::::::::   |r┬-|   ,/     ノ::::::::::::  `ー’´   \ S-Sorry……