Starting this week, the GSC Cafe… Is transforming into a Fate/TYPE-MOON Cafe!          ____       /::::::─三三─\     /:::::::: ( ○)三(○)\  ”Whoa!     |:::::::::::(__人__)::|    What is that thing he is carrying?!      \:::::::   |r┬-|   ,/     ノ:::::::::  `ー’´  \ I’m sure that is a matter of interest at the moment, but let’s first take a look inside the cafe! As…

2011 Tokushima Awa Dance Poster

       ___      /     \    /  _ノ  ヽ、_ \   ”GSC is on summer vacation… the offices   /  o゚⌒   ⌒゚o  \   are so empty… I guess I’ll talk to a wall…”   |    (__人__)    |   \     ` ⌒´     /   ノ            \ The 2011 Tokushima Awa Dance Poster! Oooh! Looks like a bunch of my favorite…

Black Rock Shooter Curry & Charm Set!

The famous BRS Curry sold at events… Is soon to be available to try at home!        ___      /     \    /  _ノ  ヽ、_  \   ”It’s depressing that you can   /  o゚⌒   ⌒゚o  \      only get it at events!”   |     (__人__)  |   \     ` ⌒´     /   ノ            \ We heard the fans…

MAX Alloy Big O

I decided to give Max Factory a call as I wasn’t sure what to write today’s blog on…        ∩        ||    ___        ||   /      \ ← Me       /〔|/   ─’ ’ー \         〔ノ^ゝ  o゚⌒   ⌒゚o \  ”I was wondering… do you have anything       ノ ノ^,-   (__人__)  |     for me to put up on my blog?”      /´ ´ ‘ , ^ヽ …

The New Blog Title!

The 11th of January marked this blogs three and a half year anniversary!            ____        /      \       /  ─    ─ \      /    (●)  (●)  \     |     (__人__)   | ________      \      |r┬-|   ,/ | |           |     ノ      `ー’´  \  | |           |   /´                 | |           |…