Hi everyone!
Suwabe (@gsc_suwabe) from the Corporate Planning Division here!
The end of this month is Halloween!! I’ve been having dreams of running into beautiful girls like the one below on Halloween night!
Today I’m going to be taking a look at… (ΦωΦ)
Max Factory’s 1/7th Scale…
Minami Nitta: Sleeping Little Devil Ver.
“Come now… let’s have some wonderful dreams.”
From the idol production game ‘THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS’ comes a 1/7th scale figure of Minami Nitta. The figure is based on the ‘Sleeping Little Devil’ version of Minami and faithfully captures her pose and outfit of the card after special training!
Enjoy the sexy outfit as well as her shy yet gently smiling expression from any angle you choose! The top of her shoulders also makes use of translucent parts to recreate the see-through appearance of her outfit! Be sure to add this devilish version of Minami to your collection!
Let me start off by saying… THANK YOU MAX FACTORY!!!
Ever since the unpainted prototype of this figure was announced I have been waiting patiently for the final version in the hopes that I could take photos of her and introduce her on the blog!! I was so happy when I got the go ahead! It is such an honor!!
So without further ado, let’s take a closer look at the amazing sculpting and paintwork that fits the title of ‘Little Devil’ so perfectly!!
▼ Just look at this cute yet captivating beauty!!
The facial expression, pose, outfit… everything about the composition of the figure provokes all five… if not all six of the human senses!!
Looking from the side you can see the tail coming out from the gaps of her skirt and winding around her arm creating such a captivating pose!
How could anyone remain calm staring into the eyes of this slightly blushing expression together with such a sexy pose!! I know I can’t!!! ( ;∀;)
But it’s not just the expression and the pose, also take a look at the amazing details and colors of her outfit!!
It’s no exaggeration to say that it really brings out all of the Minami’s charm to the maximum!!
▲ First up note the details on her high heels!
To think that the shy Minami would wear such a sexy pair of shoes is more than enough to put a little smile on my face…
▼ The zips all over the design look amazing!
You can find zips on her chest, skirt and knee-high socks! The fact that some of them are zipped down allow for more of her bare skin to show bringing out a more sensuous feel to the figure!
▼ Outfit has see-through shoulders!
I love the use of semi-transparent parts on figures to create effects like this! They bring out that mysterious beauty effect so nicely! The frills of her skirt and the tips of her arm covers also make use of the same transparent parts to add to the work of art!
▼ Not just sexy, but also so cute!!
The heart-shaped earrings, braided hair tied up with little ribbons and a heart surrounding the devil horns… amazing attention to detail that brings out the cute elements to her design beautifully!
▼A look from the back!
The wings that you could see peeking out from the back even on the original illustration have been faithfully preserved on the figure! The heels also look fantastic from the back!
▼ Her shapely waist is also lovely!
There are more and more areas I could focus on, but I have to leave some of the fun for you once you add her to your collection! ♥
Minami Nitta: Sleeping Little Devil Ver.
She’ll be up for preorder from the 14th October 2016 JST!
I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep with the excitement! |д゚)
Max Factory has started an official Twitter Account! The tweets are all in Japanese, but give them a follow if you’re interested!! ♪
— マックスファクトリー公式 (@MXF_official) September 30, 2016
(´-`).。oO(I wonder if there is something sleeping inside of me too…)
Suwabe / twitterID:@gsc_suwabe
English Updates: @gsc_kevin
©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.