Hello, everyone.
Kaho-tan here! And starting this weekend there are going to be a lot of events!
Check here for a list of events where you can find GSC!
Today we’ll be taking a look at an item available for pre-order right now from Aquamarine-
Gwendolyn: Winged Maiden Warrior (Valkyrie)!
Daughter of Demon Lord Odin, king of the great northern land Ragnanival, and princess in her own right, this figure depicts Gwendolyn as a valkyrie flying over the battlefield.
Based on an illustration featured as the cover for a foreign gaming publication, she glides effortlessly on elegant azure wings, with a powerful posture that has yet to suffer a single blow.
Careful consideration has been given to recreate the colors in the original illustration as closely as possible.
To suspend and support her soaring through the heavens, the stand was created in the image of a “psypher skill” seen in-game. Her feathers, stand, spear, and other portions feature a clear material, exquisitely capturing the light to exude the fairytale-like ambiance of the game.
With her psypher spear raised high and lovely bustier style dress, let this captivatingly beautiful figure of Gwendolyn into your heart – to grace your collection.
A valkyrie princess, soaring high in the heavens above.
A scale figure of Gwendolyn: Winged Maiden Warrier (Valkyrie), gliding on beautiful blue wings and lithely soaring in the sky, from the 2D action-RPG “Odin Sphere Leifthrasir”!
⇒See here for product details
The feathers that seem to have gently alighted on the stand as well those on her outstretched wings feature a clear material, giving a light and soft impression to this impressively sized figure.
▲The translucence is so pretty… !
Based of an illustration featured on the cover of a foreign gaming magazine, it captures both her dynamic pose as well as the delicate nuance and vibrance of the colors used.
There’s so much going on to admire here – the harsh metallic look of her armor, the translucent fabric of her arm covers, her smooth and silky skin… ヽ(*´∀`)ノ
And none of the details on the front of the beautiful bustier style dress she’s wearing have been skimped.
▲Each and every pleat of the ruffle is completely unique… this is an amazing level of detail… !
Though she’s posed in a powerful stance, as if dealing a blow to an enemy, there’s still a dance-like grace to it.
▲No matter which angle you view it, the color and sculpture are a feast for the eyes. ☆
Last but not least, please take a good look at her face. (/ω\)
Eyes that capture the strength of her noble resolve, plump lips, and her almost warm looking skin are all so amazing… !
It’s something graven yet beautiful, rather like a doll… I could gaze upon her forever…(‘-‘*)(,_,*)(‘-‘*)(,_,*)
She’s a work of art you simply must add to your collection!
Gwendolyn: Winged Maiden Warrior (Valkyrie)
Available for pre-order as we speak!★
⇒Click here for product details
Available for pre-order at the Goodsmile Online Shop until 24th May (Thu) at 12pm JST, so don’t miss out!
⇒Gwendolyn: Winged Maiden Warrior (Valkyrie) (Goodsmile Online Shop)
▼Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
▼Aquamarine Official Site
Preorder Deadlines!!
Preorders for many products at the GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP are closing soon! Here are the products closing on the 3rd & 10th May 2018 (JST)!
Most Good Smile Company products are made to order, so if you want to be sure that you get your hands on them preordering is always the safest bet! Make sure you don’t miss out! (∩・∀・)∩
Planning Team / Kahotan / Twitter ID:@gsc_kahotan
English Updates: @gsc_kevin
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