Hello everyone!! Kahotan here! (@gsc_kahotan)
September has come! The weather is finally starting to cool down a little bit, and yet I still don’t think I’ve had the time to enjoy the Summer!!
Anyway, today I’m going to be sneaking around the offices a little…
▲Good Smile Company’s Live Broadcast Room.
(Marked by a Popuko Mask)
While walking past I noticed voices inside and was pretty sure there was no broadcast scheduled, and when I looked inside…
It’s Tori Bird-Senpai!
It seems he was opening up the figures from the Learning with Manga! Fate/Grand Order Collectible Figures set which is scheduled to ship out next week…
▲ What a lovely smile! (・∀・)
Tori Bird was in the middle of making a new promotional video!
First of all, I hope everyone knows about the GSC YouTube Channel: Good Smile Channel!
Here you can find various TV commercials, reviews and more in video format!
The channel also of course takes a look at Max Factory’s latest items!
There are some videos like the above that simply take a close look at the figure from various different angles, but then we also have my personal favorite type of videos…
Videos Presented by Tori Bird!
▲Nendoroid Holo Now Available in Stores!
These videos either take a look at items that are currently up for preorder or instead items that are just about to release in stores!! Here is the video that he was taking above, freshly uploaded to the YouTube channel!
▲ Learning with Manga! Fate/Grand Order Collectible Figures
But… who is Tori Bird?!
▼ Team
Good Smile Company Planning Team
▼First Project
Nendoroid Plus: Cardfight!! Vanguard – Grade 01
▼Current Projects
Good Smile Arms: Kirby & Robobo Armor… and more!
Tori Bird is a member of out planning team! His first project was in fact not a Nendoroid but a Nendoroid Plus!! ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノ
Tori Bird: Yep! Back then I didn’t understand anything about the process of making figures, it was a lot to learn and I still thank everyone for bearing with me while I learnt all the finer details!
Coming into the industry without really knowing the ropes makes things rather difficult!
Tori Bird: There are a lot of things that need to be considered when planning a figure – things like trying to keep costs down based on the way of sculpting and methods of painting! After that project I started working on a Nendoroid and remember trying my best to keep the manufacturing process in mind. For the past few years I in fact moved to the Lucky Factory in Tottori as a member of the manufacturing team, and have since become much more informed!
And now you’ve come back and rejoined the planning team! One item you are working on is the Robobo Armor mentioned above… is there anything else you want to talk about?
Tori Bird: I’m in fact working on an all new challenge!! But we’re still in the rather early stages, so I can’t say much else right now! Stay tuned!
A new challenge? That sounds rather interesting! I look forward to hearing more!
Is there anything specific you do when recording the videos?
Tori Bird: I always try to keep my reactions to the projects as genuine as possible! I want those watching the video to feel the emotions I am feeling when they watch!
When I came to take photos I noticed you didn’t have any script or anything! (;・`ω・´)
Tori Bird: That’s right! While I do confirm any important parts about the figures with the planners beforehand, we don’t have any specific script or preparation. We simply look at the figures while taking an honest look at the important details!
How about when editing?
Tori Bird: I try to edit them to be as short as possible but still packed with info! I try to keep up a quick and fun tempo!
Tori Bird edits his own videos! Both the main actor and the main editor!
Tori Bird: I do have help from the WEB team’s yα-tomo when recording the video in terms of camera work, but I do all the editing myself!
▲ Tori Bird troubled over his edits…
Tori Bird: We have a lot of tools to send new info out on the web – Facebook, Twitter, even this blog. But we wanted to try and add another layer to the promotion with videos, which is why we started this YouTube project.
There are around 3-4 videos each month, but do you have a favorite?
Tori Bird: My personal best so far was the review we did of the Nendoroid Face Maker website!
Is there any other project you want to make a video of?
Tori Bird: I would love to do a video that takes a look around Lucky Factory! I was there for awhile and did have the chance to take a look around during a live broadcast, but I would love to show everyone how exactly the figures are made in the factory! I’m not sure if there is demand for that though!
I think that’s a great idea! Tori Bird’s guided tour of the factory!! I look forward to it and many more videos in the future!
Tori Bird: Be sure to subscribe to the Good Smile YouTube Channel for more!
This weekend is Magical Mirai 2017!
▼ Date
Project Exhibition: 1st September – 3rd September 2017
*A ticket is required for entry.
▼ Time
September 1 (Fri) 12: 00 ~ 18: 00 / September 2 (Sat) 10: 00 ~ 18: 00 / September 3 (Sun) 10: 00 ~ 18: 00 (Last Entry at 17:30)
▼ Location
Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall 1 & 2
Good Smile Company will have various Miku-related figures on display as well as various items on sale! Be sure to stop by and take a look if you’re at the event!
⇒ Magical Mirai 2017 Official Site
Preorder Deadlines!!
Preorders for many products at the GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP are closing soon! Here are the products closing on the 31st August JST!
All Good Smile Company products are made to order, so if you want to be sure that you get your hands on them preordering is always the safest bet! Make sure you don’t miss out! (∩・∀・)∩
Planning Team / Kahotan / Twitter ID:@gsc_kahotan
English Updates: @gsc_kevin