Hello everyone, Kahotan here! (@gsc_kahotan)
The hot summer days make me want to take a nice bath! Preferably in a hot spring… or a hot spring, or maybe even a hot spring! I really feel like visiting one more and more everyday…
It’s not just me trying to escape from the fact that WonFes is in 9 working days…!
Today I’ll be taking at a knight known as a fellow bath-lover…
Saber Extra! ♡
From the popular game ‘Fate/EXTRA’ comes a 1/7th scale figure of the heroine, Saber Extra!
She has been sculpted taking the stance of her ultimate move, ‘Aestus Domus Aurea: Golden Theater of the Deranged’, arranged carefully to convey her elegance and power through the figure. Her sexy crimson dress with large openings on the back, as well her semi-transparent petticoat have all been faithfully included on the figure.< |
Oooooo (*´▽`*) oooooh!!
The adorable servant who calls herself an Emperor, dressed in a beautiful red dress! The golden lining of the dress brings out the red so nicely, which is contrasted even more by her pale white skin!
The back of her outfit is magnificent!
Her deceptively showy outfit has been faithfully sculpted down to the smallest of details! (`・ω・´)
This angle shows off the opening in her back, which gives a lovely look at her shoulder blades… the angle also gives a side look at her rather delicious bosom! But most of all… I want everyone to take note of the reverse side of her knees!! They are amazing! ( -ノェ-)
The base features a powerful aura made in the image of her Noble Phantasm, Aestus Domus Aurea!
At first glance the pose shows more of an elegant stance… but noticing the energy swirling around at her feet shows off the immense power she truly has!! (゚A゚;)
(・∀・) “Also take a close look at her expression!”
We’re joined by the figure’s planner, Yassan from the planning team!
(・∀・) “Red Saber has a stuck-up, selfish side, but she also has a very lovable personality – we tried to incorporate that personality in the figure as best as possible! We also focused on getting her grace and elegance across!”
Those eyes are focused and ready for anything! (*´Д`)
(・∀・) ” There are so many things I really like about this figure, but I’ve picked out three that I want to show off in particular!”
– Sculpting of the Body –
(・∀・) “I think anyone will agree that the curves of her back and bottom are definitely one of the highlights!”
The shoulder blades seen through the back, and the unique backwards arched back make for a lovely pose! The skin also looks so very soft to the touch – it’s hard to imagine that it’s really just a figure! ♥
(・∀・) “Speaking of soft to the touch…”
Ta-tawawa…! っ(*´Д`)=з
(・∀・) “Just look at how the tight fitting top squeezes the skin down! It’s quite the sight! The line up to her collarbone also just adds even more to the effect!”
– The Skirt –
It’s rather transparent! <●><●>
(・∀・) “Of course! The petticoat as a whole is made from semi-transparent parts to recreate the clear, see-through appearance!”
The ability to kind of be able to see… and yet not quite…
It really adds an extra something to the figure!
(・∀・) “Also take note of the details put into the folds of the skirt and petticoat!”
– Overall Balance –
(・∀・) ” Because she is in a rather unique pose with her upper body twisted around, we had to rework the overall balance a number of times!
She is posed preparing her Noble Phantasm, but as I mentioned before the pose has a very elegant appeal to it as well! (*´Д`)=з
(・∀・) “The balance of the figure was something that came up a lot when working with the publisher’s supervision as well. We wanted to have a pose that kept a feeling of her dancing elegantly, light on her feet – while still leaving a proud and confident appearance too. Most of this came from how we balanced various parts of the body”
Now that you mention it, she way her skirt is fluttering around and the movements of her hands do look rather dance-like! The Aestus Domus Aurea sword could almost be seen as some kind of dancing tool instead of the weapon it truly is!
(・∀・) “I hope fans will enjoy adding this elegant Saber to their collections!”
The red Saber – elegance, power and a little touch of sexiness! ♡
Saber Extra!
She will be up for preorder from the 17th July 2014!
(・∀・) “In Autumn the new Fate/stay night anime is due to begin, and I’m sure we’ll be following up with various figures for fans to enjoy as well!
So… can we expect to see some of these figures at WonFes?! (゚A゚;)
(・∀・) “You’ll have to wait and see!!”
I get the feeling I have something to look forward to!
I’ll be sharing with everyone on Twitter and the GSC Site as soon as I have more info!
゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚ ゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚ ゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚
Finally a few quick notices! (ノ´▽`)ノ
– Notice #1 –
The KanColle TV commercial aired on TV yesterday, and is now also available on YouTube! Take a look for yourself here:
Wo-Class and figma Nagato are both up for preorder now! ♪
Aircraft Carrier Wo-Class:
B2 Poster Bonus Included – GOOD SMILE ONLINE SHOP
figma Nagato:
Attack Parts Bonus Included – GOOD SMILE ONLINE SHOP
The Nendoroid Petites will be up for order shortly! Check my blog on them from last week!
Kahotan Station: WonFes Special is coming this Friday!
Kahotan Station: WonFes Special
Date: 18th July (Fri) from 20:00JST
Broadcast Link: http://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv185822862
◇ A Look at the WonFes Exclusives!
The respective product planners will talk about their products! (`・ω・´)
· Nendoroid Aircraft Carrier Wo-Class
· Nendoroid Sayaka Miki: Uniform Ver. & Kyouko Sakura: Casual Ver. Set
· figma Kaga
· figma Levi: Cleaning ver.
· Dekacchu KanColle: Aircraft Carrier Wo-Class
◇ WonFes Booth Info!
The GSC booth isn’t just new figures! There will be a stage, live broadcast and various other attractions to come by and enjoy as well! We’ll take a look at what you can expect! (`・ω・´)
WonHobby Site: http://whl4u.jp/en/
I hope to see you there!!
゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚ ゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚ ゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚
/Kahotan’s Inner Voice\
( ・∀・) .。0 (Tomorrow…)
( ( ・∀・).。0 (…the first of the Rozen Maiden…)
∪( ∪ ∪
Anyways, see you again tomorrow!!
Planning Team / Kahotan
Twitter ID: gsc_kahotan
© TYPE-MOON © Marvelous Inc.