Hello everyone!! Kahotan here! (@gsc_kahotan)
Today I’m here to remind you that the preorders for this Winter Wonder Festival’s products are currently open, but will be closing shortly!!
Here is a quick look at each of them!!
Nendoroid Snow Miku: Crane Priestess Ver.
This time around Snow Miku features a very unique package with transparent sides!!
She comes complete with a lovely little display base that has a torii archway, paved floor and even piles of snow that can be placed in various different parts! She also comes with all sorts of optional parts to hold allowing for various different situations.
Make sure you don’t miss out on your Crane Priestess Nendoroid!!
figma Snow Miku: Crane Priestess Ver.
The figma version of this year’s Snow Miku features articulation even in the sleeves allowing for a beautiful sitting pose!
She also comes with various face plates from a gentle smiling face, to an expression with closed eyes in prayer! A number of optional parts are also included for lots of different display options!
▲ Rabbit Yukine comes with his own little base as well! ♪
Enjoy the Crane Priestess in figma form as well!! (*´ェ`*)
Nendoroid Megumin: School Uniform Ver.
A Nendoroid of Megumin in her academy uniform, complete with a winking face plate, a chewing face plate and a confident face plate! ♪
▲ Displayed with Aqua and Kazuma!
The Nendoroid also comes with this lovely little figure of Chomusuke, which can be displayed standing alone or instead held by Megumin!
▲ Simply pick the pose that you like best! ♪
You can display her with the upcoming Nendoroid Yunyun to recreate the two of them in the past together!
Enjoy the Megumin of the past in your Nendoroid collection!!
figma Bride
This figma is perfect for tying the knot with your favorite figma characters! The dress can also be removed to enjoy a rather different appearance!
▲ Max Factory really outdid themselves with the details here!
figma Groom
Great for displaying with the figma Bride or even just alone! He also comes with a wedding ring in a box to create a proposal scene as well!!
▲I think the ring part will also be great for use with Nendoroids!
A quick warning!!
Both figma Bride and figma Groom differ from the other WonFes products in that they are only available in LIMITED QUANTITIES!
Stock can run out at any moment, so be sure to order early if you don’t want to be disappointing!! You can easily of course swap out the head parts with other characters like below! ♪
▲ Displayed with the head from figma Shigure Kai-II! ♡
Be sure to add the bride and groom to your collection!!
That’s all for today!! All of the items above are currently up for preorder, but orders will be closing very soon on the 27th February 2018 at 12:00JST! Make sure you don’t miss out as they will not be available in other stores! ((´д`●))三((●´д`))
Preorder Deadlines!!
Preorders for many products at the GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP are closing soon! Here are the products closing on the 1st March 2018 (JST)!
Most Good Smile Company products are made to order, so if you want to be sure that you get your hands on them preordering is always the safest bet! Make sure you don’t miss out! (∩・∀・)∩
Planning Team / Kahotan / Twitter ID:@gsc_kahotan
English Updates: @gsc_kevin
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