Shuu-chan from the planning team likes the figure so much that he tried to take the same pose himself! (((゚Д゚)))

To show how determined he was, he even tried to get the expression right! Although I have to say that perhaps the cute upward glances should be left to the girls… :P

Anyway, today I’ll be taking a closer look at this figure that Shuu-chan loves!!
From Waiting in the Summer:
1/7th Scale Ichika Takatsuki

From the romantic comedy anime ‘Waiting in the Summer’ comes a 1/7th scale figure of the main heroine, Ichika Takatsuki! The pose is based on an illustration by the series’ original character designer, Taraku Uon.

Careful attention has been made to keep the same feeling of the original illustration by faithfully recreating the relaxed, gentle appearance of Ichika.

She’s rather sexy for a high school student!! (*゚∀゚)=3

I wish she could share some of that sex appeal with everyone else!!

Many of you will know this pose from the cover of DVD/Blu-Ray’s first volume – it’s amazing how similar she looks to the original illustration!!
This is how she looks from the back!

The long hair that sweeps down to her hips, and if you look at the bottom you’ll see the tips of her hair have both a front and back layer!

Plus just look at this adorable looking way of sitting!! It just makes me wish I could come up behind her and give her a big hug!! Σ(゜∀゜*)
She is such a goddess!!

Just look at that beautiful smile – it’s strangely hard to describe!! The whole expression has a kind-of motherly quality to it! 。・゜・(つД`)・゜・。

Ichika’s gentle and kind personality even manages to come through the figure, and the amazing sculptwork on her glasses is also noteworthy!!
Lovely slim arms and a beautiful body!

This angle from the side has to be my favorite! I’d have to say the best way to describe her body is ladylike – she has a much more mature looking appearance than you’d expect of a high school student!

Also note the delicate hand placed on her shoe, the creases in her clothes which let you get a better picture of her waistline and even the little peek you get of her thighs through the skirt! The figure is just filled with Ichika-senpai’s charm!
Just look at those… err, that collar area!

I’d often say you can’t help your eyes shooting down to her breasts… but this time around I can’t help staring at them! :P

But that’s really not the only thing to look at! The little bit of skin showing around her collar area is also super sexy!! It’s so nice to see such incredible detail put into such small areas of the figure! Great job!! (`・ω・´)
Nobody could say no to this cute pose!

If any girl did this to me, I’m fairly certain I’d fall for her in a heartbeat!!! (*`ω´)

She’s posed gently twirling her finger in her hair – the hand looks lovely enough by itself, but it’s also surrounded by her lovely full-bodied hair – the sculpting looks great from so many different angles!
☆(ノ゚∀゚)人(゚∀゚ )ノ☆ Yay!!

A shot from a slightly lower angle! (=゜ω゜=)

The other day I got told off by one of my superiors for taking some blog posts a little too far, so I have to be careful… but I had to include this as to me it’s the best angle to show off her lovely bust!

Whether it’s a figure or a real person, you always have to find the angles that show them off in the most cute and beautiful way possible! You need to make sure to capture every one of their most charming points!
Her captivating thighs!!Σ(゚∀゚*)

I was trying to figure out why the combination of a pleated skirt and thighs look so amazing, and I came to the conclusion that it must be the little triangles that are formed between the folds in the skirt and the skin! They look great!

The sitting pose also means that you can really make out the smooth line of her thighs, which adds even more to the combination!
From Waiting in the Summer:
1/7th Scale Ichika Takatsuki

She’ll be up for preorder from tomorrow!!

Get in contact with our partner shops if you have any preorder or sales queries!

But that’s all for today!
I hope to see you all again tomorrow!! (・∀・)ノ

© I*Chi*Ka/なつまち製作委員会