Orders for Nendoroid Sakura Miku started back on Miku’s birthday!

A big thank you to everyone who has ordered her!!
She is currently in mass-production in order to get her to everyone, and I promise she’ll be arriving at your doorstep looking just as adorable as ever!

The packaging and box design is also currently in development, but haven’t you ever wondered who comes up with the catch phrases at the sides of the ‘window’ on the Nendoroid figure boxes?

The packaging and box design is also currently in development, but haven’t you ever wondered who comes up with the catch phrases at the sides of the ‘window’ on the Nendoroid figure boxes?
It’s normally the job of the head planner!
Awhile back the design team used to be the ones who thought them up, but I think it makes much more sense for the planner who knows all about the product to come up with the text instead! Although there are also times that the publishers request something specific to be placed there too.
I think having the catch phrase right there on the front of the box is a great way to bring someone’s attention to a specific figure among all the different products that are lined up on the shelves.
But this time… Σ(゚ω゚*)

We’re requesting catch phrase ideas for Sakura Miku’s box from the fans!!
We’re going to be collecting together all the lovely ideas that all of you can come up with, and use the best ones on the final packaging for Sakura Miku! It’s the very first time we’ve run a project like this for a Nendoroid, it’s quite exiting to see what is going to come up!
Those who come up with the phrases we end up using will receive Nendoroid Sakura Miku for free!!
We’ll also put your name on the box!! However… unfortunately we’re only going to be able to accept entries in Japanese!

We’re looking for two different phrases!

We’re looking for two different phrases!
The first is the left phrase on the front of the box, which must include “action figure”, and 13 other characters. The second is the right phrase on the front, which is completely up to you, but can only be 25 characters long.
They should be phrases that make you think of Sakura Miku!

Let’s look at some previous products as examples! (=゚ω゚)ノ
Nendoroid Sena Kashiwazaki from ‘Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai’
Left: An action figure of the regrettable heroine!
Right: Perfect in every way, except her personality!
Right: Perfect in every way, except her personality!

Nendoroid Nano Shinonome from Nichijou:
Left: A not-so-everyday action figure!
Right: The robot high school student living in the Shinonome labs!
Right: The robot high school student living in the Shinonome labs!

Nendoroid Nyaruko from Haiyore! Nyaruko-san:
Left: A crawling chaos action figure, right by your side!
Right: The Nyarlathotepian dispatched to Earth!
Right: The Nyarlathotepian dispatched to Earth!
The final “!” or “♪” at the end doesn’t need to be added into the character count, as we’ll add that in separately!

Nendoroid Sakura Miku Package Catch Phrase Entries
You can start sending entries in from later this week!
Once the entries have begun I’ll let everyone know on the blog! I can’t wait to see what entries come in! We’re expecting to run the entries for about 10 days, so you’ll have more than enough time to think up some clever phrases!!
Once again, we’re only accepting Japanese entries into the competition – sorry!
Anyway, that’s all for today!
I hope to see you all again tomorrow!! (・∀・)ノ゛
I hope to see you all again tomorrow!! (・∀・)ノ゛
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