Hello everyone, Kahotan here! (@gsc_kahotan)

I really feel like some nice warm oden! In fact, I wouldn’t mind having oden for every meal of every day!

Anyway, today I’m going to be talking about the NEXTDOOR Project! (。・ω・)ノ゙

The illustrations of Wonda-chan used on the official WonFes guidebook is done by a different illustrator for each event, and this time around a ‘Next Door’ Wonda-chan illustration, a second illustration that is done by an up-and-coming illustrator has been done together with the main Wonda-chan by Yohiko Azumaki.

This secondary Wonda-chan is also being made into a figure, creating the perfect souvenir  This is the Wonda-chan NEXT DOOR Project!

GSC is involved with the manufacturing and production of the figure! (・∀・)

You can follow the progress of the project so far by searching for ‘#NEXTDOORプロジェクト‘ on Twitter!

I’ve mostly been updating everyone about the project through Twitter, but as they say the expression is the heart of the figure, so I decided the expression section deserved to be looked at on the blog! ヽ(*・ω・)人(・ω・*)ノ


① Eyelashes

△ T1 (Testshot #1) Change Requests sent to the GSC Factory!

This image shows the initial prototype (on the right) and the changes that were made on the sample! You can see that the eyelashes were actually changed quite a lot! Changing a figure at this stage of the development is actually an incredibly rare occurrence!

The prototype had a more pointed edge to the eyelash, while the final version has a thicker, more rectangular look that makes her look much cuter! ♡

Here we have the eyes a little more zoomed out so you can see the full effect. The left side is before the change while the right side is after the change. The sideways glance definitely looks better with the thicker eyelashes, and it also gives an overall more sexy look to her eyes! ♪

△ The comments here are by the sculptor of the figure, Tomohide Enoki!

There was even a stage in the production where the double ‘tips’ on the outer sides of the eyelashes were considered being removed as they were very difficult to reproduce in mass production, but eventually they were instead just changed to better show the ‘droopy’ look of her eyes! Σ(・ω・ノ)ノ

They say the most difficult part to get right on a figure is the eyes, but the eyelashes definitely play an important part too!

Even with a rather simple expression, the details around the eyes need to have careful attention given to them!  <○><○>

② Eyes

The T1 is the first test product created by the factory. It is checked thoroughly so that any changes needed are fixed up before mass production. Perhaps the area that is checked most intricately is the eyes!!

The comments here relate to the paintwork as well as the rounding, angles and even shadows. So many intricate details need to be considered to ensure the product comes out perfectly! Below are more changes that were requested.

Another important aspect is the ‘highlights’ in the eyes!

This shows the difference between the T2 and the changes that were made afterward!

The brightness was increased, the position was lowered and an extra smaller highlight was added near the bottom to give her eyes that cute shine! ♥︎

As I’m sure you can tell, these changes may seem small, but the effect of the overall figure is very noticeable! ε=(。・д・。)

Most of these change requests come in the form of images like above, but the most difficult thing is applying those changes onto the actual figure! It’s easier drawn than done in most cases! The team has to carefully consider each change and then apply it in whichever way appears to work out best. Many things might look like a good correction on an image but when put into practice on a figure may have a rather unintended effect as well!

③ Cheeks

This project was all done in a very short amount of time considering the time needed for sculpting and the risks involved with manufacturing overseas… but at the painted prototype point no real consideration had been given to adding a blush to the cheeks on the figure…

However! Blushes make for a cuter figure, and so…

△ This mail details how at even at this late stage, a blush was considered!

… and thus a slight blush was added!

And the response to seeing the blush added… you can even understand if you don’t speak Japanese! ☆


It really matches with the eyes nicely and gives her that really youthful, but still somewhat sexy appearance!! Creating a figure that represents the illustration better than even before! (*゚ー゚*)

… and thus, after all sorts of last minute changes.. we have this cute expression with an ever so slight blush!! Here she is… complete!!

There are still a few more details I’ll be sharing on Twitter at a later stage! Be sure to follow for more info!

We hope everyone will enjoy the work put into the NEXT DOOR Project!


– Notice #1 

I want to take a second to introduce an upcoming original anime film that will be in theatres from the 9th January 2016…

Garakowa: Restore the World!

Be sure to check the official site for character designs and more!

Garakowa: Restore the World Official Site:  http://garakowa.jp/ 


– Notice #2 –

From the 10th January this new anime series starts airing!

Dimension W

For more information in English, you can check Funimation’s blog here:

Be sure to take a look! (●´ω`●)


♥︎ Today’s Date ♥︎

We held hands soon after this.

– Sa

What is ‘Today’s Date’?

Today’s date is a photo corner featuring figure photos sent in by fans with the theme ‘The Perfect Date’. See the bottom of this post for details on how to take part: Kahotan Post Office

・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚ ゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚ ゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚

( ・∀・) .。oO(The NEXT DOOR Project…)
(( ・∀・) .。oO(… stay tuned for more info!!)
( ∪ ∪

Planning Team / Kahotan / Twitter ID:@gsc_kahotan
English Updates: @gsc_kevin